Please note, all dates subject to change
Office Hours
Paul Rosen: Tu/Th, 3:20-4pm, WEB 4887
Teaching Assistants
Dilshadur Rahman | Syed Fahim Ahmed | Rifat Ara Proma |
Tu 10:30-11:30am | W 3-4pm | Th 3:20-4:20pm |
Tu 10:30-12:30pm* | W 3-5pm* | Th 3:20-5:20pm* |
Zoom | WEB 2626 | WEB 4750 | Zoom |
*additional office hours held when HW is due. |
Jump to Week
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Week 5
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Week 9
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Week 12 /
Week 13
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Week 15 /
Week 16 /
Week 17
Week 1 (Aug 20/22)
Introduction - What is visualization and why is it important?
Recommended reading
- A Tour through the Visualization Zoo. Jeffrey Heer, Michael Bostock, Vadim Ogievetsky. Communications of the ACM, 53(6), pp. 59-67, Jun 2010.
- The Value of Visualization. Jarke van Wijk. Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference, pp. 79-86, 2005.
Recommended watching
HTML - HTML Basics (elements, attributes..)
Recommended reading
CSS - CSS styling and selectors
Recommended reading
Perception & Cognition
Recommended reading
- Perception in Visualization, Christopher G. Healey
- Gestalt principles (part 1). Bang Wong. Nature Methods 7, pp. 863, Nov 2010.
- Gestalt principles (part 2). Bang Wong. Nature Methods 7, pp. 941, Dec 2010.
Week 2 (Aug 27/29)
Perception & Cognition
Recommended reading
- Perception in Visualization, Christopher G. Healey
- Gestalt principles (part 1). Bang Wong. Nature Methods 7, pp. 863, Nov 2010.
- Gestalt principles (part 2). Bang Wong. Nature Methods 7, pp. 941, Dec 2010.
Group Activity - Greatest Infographic Ever (due Tuesday at 5:00 pm)
Recommended watching
Recommended reading
- VAD, Chapters 10.2-10.3, Color Theory and Colormaps
Recommended watching
Week 3 (Sep 3/5)
Recommended reading
- VAD, Chapters 10.2-10.3, Color Theory and Colormaps
Recommended watching
Git - Project Management with Git
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) – shapes, curves, and styling
Recommended reading
Homework 1 - Critique and Redesign (due Friday at 5:00 pm)
Week 4 (Sep 10/12)
Data Abstraction
Recommended reading
- VAD, Chapter 2, Data Abstraction
- The Grammar of Graphics: Chapter 3
- On the Theory of Scales of Measurement. S. S. Stevens. Science, 103(2684), pp. 677-680, June 1946.
Group Activity - Coffee Shop Menu Abstraction (due Tuesday at 5:00 pm)
JavaScript Basics - An Introduction to JavaScript
Recommended reading
- D3 Book, Chapter 3, go over JavaScript parts.
- MDN JavaScript Guide
- Code Academy Javascript Tutorial
DOM Manipulation, D3 Intro - Manipulating the DOM with the standard API, D3 Selections, Data Binding, Scales
Recommended reading
Project - Project Proposal (due Friday at 5:00 pm)
Week 5 (Sep 17/19)
Project - Project Review w/ Staff (as a group!) (scheduled w/ staff)
- Link to assignment
- Schedule w/ Dilshaudur - Meeting via Zoom
- Schedule w/ Fahim - Meeting via Zoom (passcode: 755012)
- Schedule w/ Proma - Meeting via Zoom
DOM Manipulation, D3 Intro - Manipulating the DOM with the standard API, D3 Selections, Data Binding, Scales
Recommended reading
Visual Encoding: Marks and Channels
Recommended reading
- Crowdsourcing graphical perception: using mechanical turk to assess visualization design. Jeff Heer, Mike Bostock. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2010.
- Which color scale to use when visualizing data. Lisa Charlotte Muth, 2021 (read all 4 parts).
- VAD, Chapter 5, Marks and Channels
- VAD, Chapter 10.4, Mapping Other Channels
- Graphical Perception: Theory, Experimentation and the Application to the Development of Graphical Models. William S. Cleveland, Robert McGill, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 79:387, pp. 531-554, 1984.
- The Structure of the Information Visualization Design Space. Stuart Card and Jock Mackinlay. Proceedings of InfoVis, 1997.
- How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations, Lisa Charlotte Rost
Group Activity - Name That Channel! (due Thursday at 5:00 pm)
Week 6 (Sep 24/26)
Project - Project Review w/ Staff (as a group!) (scheduled w/ staff)
- Link to assignment
- Schedule w/ Dilshaudur - Meeting via Zoom
- Schedule w/ Fahim - Meeting via Zoom (passcode: 755012)
- Schedule w/ Proma - Meeting via Zoom
Visual Encoding: Marks and Channels
Recommended reading
- Crowdsourcing graphical perception: using mechanical turk to assess visualization design. Jeff Heer, Mike Bostock. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2010.
- Which color scale to use when visualizing data. Lisa Charlotte Muth, 2021 (read all 4 parts).
- VAD, Chapter 5, Marks and Channels
- VAD, Chapter 10.4, Mapping Other Channels
- Graphical Perception: Theory, Experimentation and the Application to the Development of Graphical Models. William S. Cleveland, Robert McGill, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 79:387, pp. 531-554, 1984.
- The Structure of the Information Visualization Design Space. Stuart Card and Jock Mackinlay. Proceedings of InfoVis, 1997.
- How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations, Lisa Charlotte Rost
D3 - D3 Selections and Data Binding Recap, Scales, Axis, Grouping
Design Guidelines
Recommended reading
- The good, the bad, and the biased: five ways visualizations can mislead (and how to fix them). Danielle Albers Szafir. Interactions. 2018.
- VAD, Chapters 6.3-6.6, and 6.9, Rules of Thumb
Homework 2 - Drawing in JavaScript and D3 (due Friday at 5:00 pm)
Week 7 (Oct 1/3)
Midterm Exam - (starts Tuesday at 2:00 pm)
Design Guidelines
Recommended reading
- The good, the bad, and the biased: five ways visualizations can mislead (and how to fix them). Danielle Albers Szafir. Interactions. 2018.
- VAD, Chapters 6.3-6.6, and 6.9, Rules of Thumb
Group Activity - Determine the Task (due Thursday at 5:00 pm)
Week 8 (Oct 8/10)
No Class - Fall Break!
Week 9 (Oct 15/17)
No Class - IEEE VIS Conference (use the extra time to work on your homework 3 and project milestone!)
Homework 3 - Drawing Basic Charts (due Friday at 5:00 pm)
Week 10 (Oct 22/24)
Design Guidelines
Recommended reading
- The good, the bad, and the biased: five ways visualizations can mislead (and how to fix them). Danielle Albers Szafir. Interactions. 2018.
- VAD, Chapters 6.3-6.6, and 6.9, Rules of Thumb
Tasks and Interaction
Recommended reading
- Interactive dynamics for visual analysis, Heer, J., & Shneiderman, B. Communications of the ACM 55(4), 2012.
- VAD, Chapter 11, Manipulate View
- VAD, Chapter 6.8, Responsiveness Is Required
D3 Layouts - Pie charts, tree maps, node-link diagrams, matrices, etc.
Recommended reading
D3 Maps - GeoJSON, TopoJSON, Choropleth Maps, Proportional Symbol Maps, Google Maps
Recommended reading
- D3 book, Chapters 11 and 12
- Mike Bostock’s Let’s make a Map
Visualization Critique
Recommended reading
- VAD, Chapter 6.10, Function First, Form Next
Week 11 (Oct 29/31)
Visualization Critique
Recommended reading
- VAD, Chapter 6.10, Function First, Form Next
Tasks, Design, and Evaluation
Recommended reading
- VAD, Chapter 3, Why: Task Abstraction
- Design Principles for Visual Communication. Maneesh Agrawala, Wilmot Li, Floraine Berthouzoz. Communications of the ACM, 54(4), pp. 60-69, Apr 2011.
- Design of data figures. Bang Wong. Nature Methods 7, pp. 665, Sept 2010.
- USA Temperature: can I sucker you?
Multiple Views, Dashboards
Recommended reading
- VDA Chapter 14, Embed: Focus + Context
- VDA Chapter 12, Facet into Multiple Views
- What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Dashboards? Alper Sarikaya, Michael Correll, Lyn Bartram, Melanie Tory, and Danyel Fisher. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 29(1): 682–692. 2019.
Homework 4 - Covid Dashboard (due Sunday at 5:00 pm)
Week 12 (Nov 5/7)
Visualizing Tabular Data
Week 13 (Nov 12/14)
Visualizing Tabular Data
Visualizing Networks and Trees
Recommended reading
Homework 5 - Visualization Using LLMs (due Friday at 5:00 pm)
Week 14 (Nov 19/21)
Visualizing Networks and Trees
Recommended reading
Visualizing Multivariate Networks
Week 15 (Nov 26/28)
No Class - Thanksgiving Break (use the extra time to work on your final project!)
Week 16 (Dec 3/5)
Set Visualization
Recommended reading
- A. Lex and N. Gehlenborg, “Points of view: Sets and intersections,” Nat Meth, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 779–779, Aug. 2014.
- B. Alsallakh, L. Micallef, W. Aigner, H. Hauser, S. Miksch, and P. Rodgers, “The State-of-the-Art of Set Visualization,” in Computer Graphics Forum, 2016, vol. 35, pp. 234–260.
- A. Lex, N. Gehlenborg, H. Strobelt, R. Vuillemot, and H. Pfister, “UpSet: Visualization of Intersecting Sets,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’14), vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 1983–1992, 2014.
Text Visualization
Best Project Presentations, Wrap-Up
Week 17 (Dec 10)
Final Exam - (starts Tuesday at 1:00 pm)