DS-4630 / CS-5630 / CS-6630 - Visualization for Data Science Homework 0

Welcome to DS-4630 / CS-5630 / CS-6630 - Visualization for Data Science. In this class, we will be using a variety of tools that will require some initial configuration. To ensure everything goes smoothly moving forward, we will setup the majority of those tools in this homework. This homework will not be graded, but it is important that you complete it by the end of week 1.

Task 1 - Sign up for github

You’ll be using git and GitHub to manage your projects and we also suggest you use github to manage your homework.

Sign up for a github account (if you don’t already have one) and request a free account upgrade on this page. You’ll need to verify ownership of an .edu e-mail address if you didn’t sign up with your .edu account.

Task 2 - Introduction

We will use Slack for discussions, to find team members, to arrange appointments, and to ask questions. Slack should be your primary form of communication with the staff and other students.

However, please do not send personal messages to the staff. Instead, use e-mail for personal requests (paul.rosen@utah.edu), e.g., to inform us if you’re sick for an exam, etc. If you ask a general question via a personal message or e-mail, we will request that you ask it on Slack instead. All information such as new homework assignments will be linked from the website but also announced on Slack.

Please do not use Canvas Messages to contact us. We won’t read it.

Please introduce yourself to your classmates and the course staff in the #general channel. Include your name/nickname, your affiliation, why you are taking this course, and tell us something interesting about yourself (e.g., an unusual hobby, past travels, or a cool project you did, etc.). Also tell us whether you have experience with visualization.

Task 3 - Introduction to HTML, CSS (optional)

There is no need to hand anything in — this is an exercise and you can check whether you understood the concepts.

Take this quiz to test your HTML knowledge, and this one to evaluate your understanding of CSS. If you feel confident, you can try the JavaScript quiz.