
Resouces up to date with V4 of D3

Official D3 Site
Official D3 Wiki
D3 API Reference
Changes in D3 4.0
D3 V4, What’s new?

Other resources (some still in V3)

D3 Q&A Slack D3 Tutorial by Scott Murray (highly recommended! - Required D3 textbook is based on this.)
D3 on Stack Overflow
Mike Bostock’s site
D3.js Gallery
Mike Bostock on bl.ocks.org
Jérôme Cukier and Scott Murray’s D3 tutorial at the Strata Conference
D3 For Mere Mortals
Mike Bostock’s D3 Tutorial
Vadim’s Lecture Slides, D3
Jerome Cukier’s D3 Cheat Sheet
FlowingData D3 Tips
D3, Conceptually
D3 Tutorial Videos by Ian Johnson - Vol I
D3 Tutorial Videos by Ian Johnson - Vol II
D3 Tips and Tricks
D3 Gallery

Web Development

Mozilla Developer Network
DevDocs - Unified documentation on all web technologies
Dive Into HTML5 - Homepage
Dive Into HTML5 - Canvas


Official git command line and GUI clients, official documentation
Simple guide for getting started with git


GitHub Client for Mac
GitHub Client for Windows
SourceTree for Mac and Windows
TortoiseGit for Windows

Tutorials etc.

Setting up git
Understanding git conceptually

Data Sources

Wolfram Alpha
Awesome Public Datasets
Metro Boston Data Common
Dataverse Network
Linked Data
Guardian DataBlog
Data Market
Reddit Open Data
Climate Data Sources
Climate Station Records
CDC Data
World Bank Catalog
Free SVG Maps
UK Office for National Statistics
data.world (requires registration)

Web Sites & Blogs

Flowing Data
Perceptual Edge
Information Aesthetics
Visual Complexity

Exploratory Data Analysis

These tools help you to get an idea about the shape and properties of datasets and let you produce good (standard) plots.


Online Help
Quick Start Guides
Knowledge Base
Training and Tutorials
Tableau Public Gallery

Other Software Toolkits

Wolfram Mathematica